Straight cut processing list

Processing wire diameter (mm) Processing machine (unit)
General cut NS cut Running cut Ultra-fine wire Total
5.5 - 15.5 5 - - - 5
4.5 - 8.0 10 - 1 - 11
2.6 - 5.0 20 3 - - 23
1.35 - 3.0 19 7 10 - 36
0.55 - 1.3 11 9 2 - 22
0.1 - 0.5 - - - 4 4
Total 65 19 13 4 101
• Inspection equipment
Name Manufacturer Model No.
High fine quick microscope KEYENCE VH-5000
Profile Projector Mituytoyo PJ-A3000
ABS digimatic® indicator Mituytoyo ID-C

ABS digimatic® indicator is the registered trademark of Mitutoyo Corporation.

High fine quick microscope
Measuring projector
ABS digimatic indicator

▶ please contact Hirano Steel Co.